Wie die vor Kurzem publizierten Zahlen der IFPI belegen, hat Streaming weltweit das Umsatzwachstum der phonografischen Industrie im Jahr 2016 trotz sinkender CD-Verkäufe ermöglicht. Willkommen in der Musikstreaming-Ökonomie.

Music Industry Blog

Today the IFPI published their annual assessment of the global recorded music business. The key theme is the first serious year of growth since Napster kicked off a decade and a half of decline, with streaming doing all the revenue heavy lifting.

The findings won’t come as much of a surprise to regular readers of this blog, as at MIDiA we had already conducted our own market sizing earlier in the year. The IFPI reported just under a billion dollars of revenue growth in 2016 (we peg growth at $1.1 billion) with streaming driving all the growth (60% growth, we estimate 57%). IFPI also reported 112 million paying subscribers (our number is 106.3 million, but the IFPI numbers probably include the Tencent 10 million number as reported, while the actual number is closer to 5 million).

IFPI report physical sales declining by 8% (we have 7%) and downloads down…

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